AMR Masterclass; Leveling the battlefield.


The 7th of May 2024 has been a monumental day for the Journalists community in Tanzania; The communication front-liners. The afyatoon team in partnership with Tanzania media foundation and PAR foundation has been able to conduct a Masterclass workshop aimed leveling up the battle field towards the fight against Antimicrobial resistance.

The training was attended by 68 journalists from different parts of the country and based in different digital and legacy media houses. It was offered systematically with a series of animation showcasing, specialists talk, Q&A sessions and an elaborate collaborative Story ideation.

Showcased animation were on Introduction to the concept of antimicrobial resistance and the one health approach of antimicrobial resistance produced by the afyatoon animation studio, supplemented by specialist talk from Pharm Kelvin Msuya and Pharm Kulwa Dotto Domitila (MPH) respectively and moderated by Dr. Jofrey Amos.

Curiosity and a desire to unpack further knowledge was picked in the blue sky as journalists posed their educative questions. Response from the afyatoon's medical team and guest specialist did not only quench this desire but set foundation for last past and probably the most important part of the workshop; The Collaborative story Ideation.

journalists dived into a thoughtful process of ideating, designing and generating story ideas from today's topics. Shared with peers for real time reviews and documenting into a story bank to specifically identify what further medical and visual support would they need from the afyatoon team.

This workshop is one of the many, our next being in 8th if May 2024 from 0900 am to 1120 am with a new set of audience.